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Club Rules

  • The name of the club shall be Melton Olympic Cycling Club.

  • The management of the club shall be by Committee, consisting of the club officials, plus sufficient committee members to make a total of twelve (12), all to be elected at the Annual General Meeting. Committee Meetings shall be called at least five times a year by the General Secretary, five to form a quorum.

  • The club officials shall be Chairman, General Secretary, Competitions Secretary, Treasurer, Captain, Social Secretary, Junior Representative, Publicity Secretary, Youth Coaching and Committee members. All of the above will sit on the Committee. Other Officials shall be elected by the Committee, these being Auditors, Vice-Captains, Delegates, Timekeepers, Handicappers and Event Secretaries.

  • All nominations for Committee Members should be submitted to the General Secretary with proposer and seconder at least one week prior to an Annual General Meeting. If no nomination Is received for a particular post, nominations will be taken by the Chairman at the Annual General Meeting.

  • Membership will be open to first and second claim members, those wishing to become a member shall complete an application form and submit this with the correct membership fee after having been proposed and seconded by two full members. The application shall be considered by the Committee at the next meeting. If the applicant is not elected the membership fee shall be returned.

  • Each member will receive a receipt and a copy of the club rules upon payment of membership fees. Membership will continue until 31st.December of that year. New members elected after 30th Sept. will be entitled to the privileges of full membership until 31st.December of the following year.

  • First claim members only shall be eligible for election as Committee Members.

  • Any member not paying their membership fee by 1st. April of each year shall be deemed to have resigned and to have forfeited all rights and privileges accruing from membership

  • Members behaving in a manner prejudicial to the good name of the Club or the interest of fellow members may be expelled by Committee Meeting upon the consent of two-thirds majority of those present.

  • No member shall be allowed to take part in any club events unless he is clear in the books of the Club.

  • The Clubs financial year shall commence on the 1st. November and end on 31st October after which date the Treasurer shall prepare the Balance Sheet and Subsidiary Accounts, which shall be audited by two Auditors appointed by the Committee

  • There shall be held at least once a year a Annual General Meeting of members of the club, at which every paid up member shall be allowed one vote. Fourteen days notice shall be given to each member prior to such a meeting. The Agenda will be finalised three weeks before each meeting and forwarded to each member in advance. Minutes of the A.G.M. shall be made available on request within two months of the meeting.

  • A General Meeting may be called upon the request of the Committee, or by the General Secretary upon the request of at least five members. Notice of such a meeting to be forwarded with an Agenda to each member not less than seven days before such a meeting.

  • “No alteration to the club rules will be made without the consent of a two thirds majority at a General Meeting.

  • Rules for club competitions may be changed by simple majority at any General Meeting.”

  • The Committee shall have powers to make bye-laws and decide disputes not provided for by the club rules.

  • The Committee should manage the financial affairs of the club within the constraints of the A.G.M.

  • Any member resigning or leaving the club for any reason shall forfeit any claim to club property or trophies, returning them to the club secretary prior to his or her departure.

  • Only first claim members shall be eligible for club prizes and trophies. All Club and Open events to count towards club competitions. Open events to be subject to ratification by official result sheets.

  • Members holding club trophies will be responsible for their safe-keeping, returning them no less than one month before the annual prize presentation. All prizes and trophies to be presented at the club prize presentation.

  • The club shall be affiliated to British Cycling , the Cycling Time Trials, the British Cyclo-Cross Association, the Burton and District Cycling Alliance, the Leicestershire Cyclists Association, Peaks to Coast and the Central District Ladies Cycling Association

  • All members under the age of eighteen will be required to complete a form giving parental consent before taking part in club activities. Each form must be witnessed by a club official. Designated runs will be organised to cater for younger riders of varying ability. These runs will be lead by club members with the appropriate child protection training.

  • “The Club Captain (or in his absence a Vice-Captain) shall be in charge of all club runs, and shall keep a record of attendance, and set a reasonable pace. The rules of the road to be adhered to at all times.

  • The Club Captain with advice from the committee will provide a list of club run destinations which will be issued to all club members.”

  • The club colours shall be of a White, Red and Blue design.

  • Club Time Trial events shall not take place without sufficient officials and marshals.

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